Ready-Market Search Engine Marketing Strategy

PageRank, Hummingbird, Panda, Penquin, Knowledge Graph, Rank Brain

What Google Search Algorithms Tell US –Quality Content for Digital Marketing

Strategic Thinking When You Approach Google Search for Search Engine Marketing – Understanding Search Algorithms

In 2017, the correct keyword is still necessary, but the topic, intent, and content are vital. As you can see, the goal of algorithm update is to create richer search results so that each searcher gets the latest data and is able to make a fast decision. Now, Google is using a learning machine - Artificial Intelligence, to process vast database. Knowledge Graph looks up your semantic search and returns search results by connecting all the things together, and finds the correct content for you. As an marketer, how would you prepare a semantic site for such a search?

Before we jump too far, let's go back and figure out the whole process. Simply put, Google wants to provide the most relevant search results to searchers. Thus, they design algorithms (computer programs) in order to give you back what you want. PageRank was introduced in 1998. In 2013, Hummingbird was named for overall search algorithms (PageRank still involves.). Panda and Penguin were included for parts of the job.

Knowledge Graph - a panel that appears on the right side of the search results page

In 2012, when Google was transformed from an information engine to a knowledge engine, Knowledge Graph was announced. It is a panel that appears on the right side of the search results page.

The knowledge engine doesn't just present the words you search; it studies other people's search history and brings you interesting knowledge. For example, if you search for Pablo Picasso, Google gives you his bio, quotes, pictures, artworks, current top stories, list of related artists, etc. If you search for a city, the result includes top stories, weather, local time, population, points of interest about where to go, and the city travel guide for you to plan a trip.

That being said,
page context is important, and
useful and compelling information is more important than the length of an article.

Algorithm updates happen all the time, sometimes it is named (Like the Fred Update just happened in March), sometimes secretly. In 2015, Rank Brain (AI program) was established, which is responsible for processing complex conversational queries (Semantic Search), and to increase search accuracy.

In the internet market world, people talk about these animals - Hummingbird, Panda and Penguin. Understanding them can help you to write page content with Google's notion applied.

  • Google Hummingbird delivers search results that are carried out by searchers, which can be also come from phone or tablet.
  • With the help of Rank Brain, each search is learned;
  • Knowledge Graph is able to deliver precise information you need.

And your search result is personalized according to your location, current trend, personal experience, etc.

Original, High Quality and Great Quality Content - Panda Algorithm

In fact, Google Panda was announced to be the core algorithm in 2016 and has been constantly updated. It is responsible for checking out the content quality of web pages, such as texts, pictures, videos, links and files. But how can algorithms detect what's in the videos and pictures? Therefore, plaintext is essential for the identification of those materials, and also this is why Ready Market always ensures our clients write descriptions with accurate search terms that reflect their product's value.

SEO Search Engine Marketing Facts

SEO Facts 1

Product Description is More Important than You Thought

If you have a website that sells bathroom accessories, instead of “Toilet Paper Holders,” you put model numbers “GV36-234879”. Fast delivery and low price, rather than “stainless steel bathroom accessory - toilet paper holders”. Also a lack of description of design concepts, applications, material selections, and the specifications. First, model number doesn't mean anything to algorithms. Second, what’s the product value? Fast delivery and low price doesn't show how good your products are. Talk about the functionality, advantage, and why are your products better than the others. Be unique, be specific and write from users' perspective.

Things that shouldn't do to generate traffic
SEO Facts 2

Things You Shouldn't Do to Generate Traffic

Cloaking, doorway pages, thin affiliate feeds and thin syndication, Google writes algorithms to detect them. If it meets their violation rules, demotion or manual removal of your website can happen.

    Most Common Web Spam that is penalized by Google
  • Thin content
  • Low-quality content
  • Hidden content
  • Duplicate content
  • Poor performing keywords
SEO Facts 3

Keyword Selection – High-Effective Keyword

Blueberries are in season and you would like to promote them through internet marketing, what keyword would you pick? No, not Fruit. Someone who types the search term “fruit” and has an orange in mind would leave the page. Fruit has high search volume but it is too common, which leads to high bounce rate. Choosing keywords has to be precise and accurate. In addition, search terms can be vary depending on the location.

SEO Facts 4

Google Bounce Rate - 40 and 60% is Considered Good

Bounce rate can assist Google to analyze whether they are recommending quality websites to buyers. “bounce rate between 40 and 60% is considered good,” said by Avinash Kaushik, of Google's Conversion University. To lower the bounce rate, examine whether the content (landing page) correlates to the search term, regardless of whether the click happens through Google search or AdWords. When the search keyword matches landing page, bounce rate is lowered. At Ready Market, our goal is to provide successful SEO marketing strategies and achieve a bounce rate lower than 30% for our clients.

Percentage of B2B respondents using content marketing
SEO Facts 5

88% Say Yes to Content Marketing

The survey shows 88% of people are using content marketing as their search engine marketing strategy, are you one of them? If yes, are you providing engaging information to buyers? Many people think writing a lot can make a big impact on Google ranking. It depends. (Think about how many words President Trump tweets.) The key point is whether people follow, respond, and find it helpful.

In the chart, you can see number 1 web page's content length isn't the longest and #5 and #6 even have the same content length. That being said, having a large amount of content doesn't necessary put you on the top ranking, but writing good quality content combined with a good amount will definitely make your hard work paid off.

How Much Content do Ranking Pages Have? Avg. content length of top 10 results

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Ready-Market Online Corp.  /  3F-1, No. 143, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110058, Taiwan
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Ready-Market Online Corp.  /  3F-1, No. 143, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110058, Taiwan
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